Section: New Results

Compiler, vectorization, interpretation

Participants : Erven Rohou, Emmanuel Riou, Arjun Suresh, André Seznec, Nabil Hallou, Alain Ketterlin, Sylvain Collange.

Vectorization Technology To Improve Interpreter Performance

Participant : Erven Rohou.

Recent trends in consumer electronics have created a new category of portable, lightweight software applications. Typically, these applications have fast development cycles and short life spans. They run on a wide range of systems and are deployed in a target independent bytecode format over Internet and cellular networks. Their authors are untrusted third-party vendors, and they are executed in secure managed runtimes or virtual machines. Furthermore, due to security policies, these virtual machines are often lacking just-in-time compilers and are reliant on interpreter execution.

The main performance penalty in interpreters arises from instruction dispatch. Each bytecode requires a minimum number of machine instructions to be executed. In this work we introduce a powerful and portable representation that reduces instruction dispatch thanks to vectorization technology. It takes advantage of the vast research in vectorization and its presence in modern compilers. Thanks to a split compilation strategy, our approach exhibits almost no overhead. Complex compiler analyses are performed ahead of time. Their results are encoded on top of the bytecode language, becoming new SIMD IR (i.e., intermediate representation) instructions. The bytecode language remains unmodified, thus this representation is compatible with legacy interpreters.

This approach drastically reduces the number of instructions to interpret and improves execution time. [15] . SIMD IR instructions are mapped to hardware SIMD instructions when available, with a substantial improvement.

Improving sequential performance: the case of floating point computations

Participants : Erven Rohou, André Seznec, Arjun Suresh.

One way to enhance sequential performance is to consider floating point computations. Languages and instruction sets provide support for only a few representations, namely float and double, and programmers are likely to use the most accurate (unless they handle large data structures). Still, in most cases, programmers do not formally specify the precision they require from their applications, and have no guarantee on the precision they actually get. This is an opportunity for a tradeoff between performance and precision: programs could run faster at the expense of a less accurate result (note that existing compilers already embed some unsafe transformations, for example when flags such as -fast or -ffastmath are used).

The first step consisted in applying memoization to the math library libm. In this case, results are still correct. The performance improvement comes from caching results of pure functions, and retrieving them instead of recomputing a result. This shows good results on floating point intensive benchmarks. In a next step, a helper thread will monitor the patterns of parameters and precompute likely values to "prefetch" results ahead of time.

Reduced precision comes into play when no pattern can be identified, but the new value is close enough to already computed values. We plan to apply interpolation to compute the result faster than the standard code. We will also investigate how we can leverage known properties of mathematical functions, as well as programmer hints about useful properties of user-defined functions, and where reduced precision is acceptable.

Identifying divergence in GPU architectures

Participant : Sylvain Collange.

This research is done in collaboration with Fernando M. Q. Pereira, Diogo Sampaio and Rafael Martins de Souza, UFMG, Brazil.

GPU architectures rely on SIMD execution by vectorizing across SPMD threads. They achieve the best performance when consecutive threads take the same paths through conditional branches and access contiguous memory locations. Thus, many GPU code optimizations that target the control flow or memory access patterns necessitate accurate information about which branches and memory accesses are divergent across threads.

To enable such optimizations, we proposed divergence analysis, a compiler pass that identifies similarities in the control flow and data flow of concurrent threads [37] . This static analysis identifies program variables that are affine functions of the thread identifier and propagate this knowledge to conditional branches and memory accesses. Our analysis consistently outperforms other comparable analyses, thanks to the combination of taking into account affine relations between variables and accurately modeling control dependencies.

Code Obfuscation

Participant : Erven Rohou.

This research is done in collaboration with the group of Prof. Ahmed El-Mahdy at E-JUST, Alexandria, Egypt.

We proposed to leverage JIT compilation to make software tamper-proof. The idea is to constantly generate different versions of an application, even while it runs, to make reverse engineering hopeless. More precisely a JIT engine is used to generate new versions of a function each time it is invoked, applying different optimizations, heuristics and parameters to generate diverse binary code. A strong random number generator will guarantee that generated code is not reproducible, though the functionality is the same [38] .

On-Stack-Replacement has been previously proposed to recompile functions while they run. However, it relies on compiler-generated switch points. We proposed a new technique to recompile functions at arbitraty points, thus reinforcing the Obfuscating JIT approach. A prototype is being developed [27] .

A new obfuscation technique based of decomposition of CFGs into threads has been proposed. We exploit the mainstream multi-core processing in these systems to substantially increase the complexity of programs, making reverse engineering more complicated. The novel method automatically partitions any serial thread into an arbitrary number of parallel threads, at the basic-block level. The method generates new control-flow graphs, preserving the blocks' serial successor relations and guaranteeing that one basic-block is active at a time through using guards. The method generates mn different combinations for m threads and n basic-blocks, significantly complicating the execution state. We also provide proof of correctness for the method.


Participants : Erven Rohou, Alain Ketterlin, Emmanuel Riou.

The objective of the ADT PADRONE is to design and develop a platform for re-optimization of binary executables at run-time. Development is ongoing, and an early prototype is functional. In [24] , we described the infrastructure of Padrone, and showed that its profiling overhead is minimum. We illustrated its use through two examples. The first example shows how a user can easily write a tool to identify hotspots in their application, and how well they perform (for example, by computing the number of executed instructions per cycle). In the second example, we illustrate the replacement of a given function (typically a hotspot) by an optimized version, while the program runs.

We believe PADRONE fills an empty design point in the ecosystem of dynamic binary tools.

Dynamic Analysis and Re-Optimization

Participants : Erven Rohou, Emmanuel Riou, Nabil Hallou, Alain Ketterlin.

This work is done in collaboration with Philippe Clauss (Inria CAMUS).

Dynamic binary analysis and re-optimization is specially interesting for legacy or commercial applications, but also in the context of cloud deployment, where actual hardware is unknown, and other applications competing for hardware resources can vary.

Initial results show that we are able to identify function hotspots that contain vectorized code for the Intel SSE extension, analyze them, and reoptimize the loops to target the latest and more powerful AVX ISA extension.

Branch Prediction and Performance of Interpreter

Participants : Erven Rohou, André Seznec, Bharath Narasimha Swamy.

Interpreters have been used in many contexts. They provide portability and ease of development at the expense of performance. The literature of the past decade covers analysis of why interpreters are slow, and many software techniques to improve them. A large proportion of these works focuses on the dispatch loop, and in particular on the implementation of the switch statement: typically an indirect branch instruction. Conventional wisdom attributes a significant penalty to this branch, due to its high misprediction rate. We revisit this assumption [36] , considering current interpreters, and modern predictors. Using both hardware counters and simulation, we show that the accuracy of indirect branch prediction is no longer critical for interpreters. We also compare the characteristics of these interpreters and analyze why the indirect branch is less important than before.